Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Davis Sewing Machines

My love for sewing machines started when I found this antique Davis treadle in a thrift shop in Southern California ~

 The serial number of this machine is 49713 and the last patent date is Sept 10th 1872. I did some research and found out that the Davis Sewing Machine Company was started in 1868 in Watertown, New York. For more on the history of the Davis sewing machine - Click Here

What makes the Davis so unique is the Vertical Feed system - there is no feed on the bed of the machine - the needle and foot feed the material, making it about impossible to have one layer of fabric bunch up on you.
Truly ingenious and to this day no machine can compare!

This led to my second Davis - a restoration project that still hasn't started...

The serial number of this machine is 368663 with the last patent date of May 12th 1886.

Next comes a birthday present in the most gorgeous treadle -

The serial number is D3647489 with the last patent date of May 12th 1886. Interesting that the last two machines are so different even though they have the same last patent date.

Next is a more modern machine that takes regular sewing machine needles - the previous machines take a longer needle that are harder to find.

The serial number on this one is 3747629 and it doesn't list patent dates. This one has a lift mechanism to raise and lower the machine into the cabinet.

The next one is a later Davis Model D -

The serial number on this one is 41039532. This is a later electric model that has a regular feed mechanism on the bed.

The next one is another electric model with regular feed that is missing it's slide plate so I have no serial number - the only information I can find is on the motor - Dayton Electric Mfg. There is a decal that says Made in USA but I have no idea if this is an actual Davis machine, even thought it's named New Davis. It has a friction drive...
That's all for now...


  1. I just acquired a Davis Sewing machine in its cabinet with foot pedal. It has a serial number of 2448641. The cabinet needs restoration, but machine is in good condition. I got curious, so I came on line to research.

  2. I have a machine, Davis model G with a serial number 1471198, Does anyone know the approximate date of manufacture? Tessew

  3. your "New Davis" is a National :)

  4. Holy potatoes, where were you able to find the info about your Davis machines? I have what I believe is a Davis Advance, but I have been pretty unsuccessful in finding information on it. I actually have the original manual with it, but the only indication that I have that it's a Davis is a tiny, faded red stamp on the front of the booklet that I can barely make out as "Davis." The serial number on the slide plate is 803779 and the booklet says it was sold in November 1890. I would love to get more information on this machine. She sews like a dream! :)

    1. If you google "Davis sewing machine group" you'll find 2 groups that have lots of information:

      Davis VF for Vertical Feeds

      Davis Sewing Machine for all Davis made sewing machines

  5. I just bought a treadle machine called "Unique" but it hs the identical plate (Use tis length needle) and a bullet/shuttle bobbin. Serial number 2338336. Is there any info available about it?

  6. I just bought a treadle machine called "Unique" too, serial number 2346721. I haven't found much about them, except someone on Etsy who thought they were made between 1900 and 1909.
